这是我2年前的一些代码,由于一个朋友需要,所以我就整理出来了,去掉了一些东西,精简为只有串口通讯、AT指令操作、短信、通讯薄的几个部分。 [download id=“15”] YOU CAN ALSO ACCESS TO: CodePlex OpenSource or This should be a better version: Better Version Provided by Jianghanxia 下面是说明:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // .NET 2.0 AT and SMS Library with PlugIn Support // // Homepage: www.hesicong.net // // Contact me: hesicong2005(at)163.com // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Description: This is a .NET 2.0 AT library and SMS/EMS library with Plug-In support. You can develop your own Plug-In to support multi phones. ATCommandBase is a class to execute AT commands. CommPhone is a class with minimal set of functions of a phone. Usually be used in phone detect. PhoneControllerSDK is a SDK for you to develop your own phone plugin. PluginForNokia is a DEMO PLUGIN for demostrate how to use these classes. ShortMessageService is a class for decoding and encoding SMS. Test AT is a test project offering some Test Cases to test AT,SMS Read, Write, send. Be sure Test Case 3 and Test Case 4 for SMS Receving and Sending should be passed! CodeDemoForCSharp is a C# project for some C# developer.
Licence: Be free to use use my code, and please let me know if bug was found. And if you correct it, please give a copy of your code. Commerial use is unaviable without my permission. But if you use my library and create something, please give me a copy!
And ultimately, thank you to use my code, thank you to visit my homepage!
文章作者 贺思聪
上次更新 2007-02-26
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